Shopify & Ecommerce Ramblings

A blog about building and extending awesome Shopify stores

The E-commerce Need for Speed

The E-commerce Need for Speed

by Ross Allchorn 2 min read

So, you've got your e-commerce website up and running, selling your products like hotcakes. But have you ever stopped to think about how the speed of your website could be affecting your sales? (Hint: it's a big deal!)

Let's dive into why speed optimization is crucial for your online store.

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How Does Your E-commerce Store Stack Up? And How to Figure It Out.

How Does Your E-commerce Store Stack Up? And How to Figure It Out.

by Ross Allchorn 2 min read

Imagine your online store is a brick-and-mortar shop in the bustling marketplace of the internet. Shoppers flood the virtual streets, but are they stopping by your window, browsing your aisles, and ringing up purchases?

Sure, you get a few customers here and there, but is your store thriving, or is it getting lost in the crowd? Here's how to grab your metaphorical magnifying glass and analyze the inner workings of your e-commerce site.

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Optimize The Most Important Template on Your E-commerce Store

Optimize The Most Important Template on Your E-commerce Store

by Ross Allchorn 2 min read

In e-commerce, the product detail page (PDP) plays a crucial role in converting visitors into customers.

Optimizing your PDP can significantly impact your sales and overall success. Let's delve into why optimizing your PDP is so important and explore some key tips to enhance it.

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Three Email Automations on Steroids for E-commerce

Three Email Automations on Steroids for E-commerce

by Ross Allchorn 2 min read

Have you ever lost a sale because someone abandoned their cart, forgot about a product they browsed, or simply drifted away from your brand?

It happens to the best of us!

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Making Sense of a Large E-commerce Product Catalog

Making Sense of a Large E-commerce Product Catalog

by Ross Allchorn 2 min read

At ShopCreatify, we often help our merchant clients sort their products into collections and build out navigation in a way that it is easy for their customers to find the things they're looking for.

Not only does this make your customer's user experience better, but it also allows you as an e-commerce merchant to push the products that you need to push in the right places.

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Level Up Your Online Store: 7 Winning Tactics for Happy Customers

Level Up Your Online Store: 7 Winning Tactics for Happy Customers

by Ross Allchorn 3 min read

Running an online store is awesome! But with so much competition, how do you make sure shoppers pick you?

The answer is simple: create an amazing customer experience. Here's how to turn your website into a customer magnet.

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Don't Lose Sales in the Shopping Cart Graveyard! Recover Abandoned Carts with Email Magic

Don't Lose Sales in the Shopping Cart Graveyard! Recover Abandoned Carts with Email Magic

by Ross Allchorn 3 min read

Imagine you're at a bakery, piling delicious cookies onto a tray. You reach for the checkout, but suddenly get distracted and leave your sugary treats behind!

That's kind of what happens in online stores all the time. People add items to their carts but abandon them before paying.

This "shopping cart graveyard" can cost your business a lot of money. But fear not, there's a way to bring those cookies (or whatever you sell) back to life: abandoned cart recovery emails!

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Urgency Marketing: A Delicate Dance Between Boosting Sales and Building Trust

Urgency Marketing: A Delicate Dance Between Boosting Sales and Building Trust

by Ross Allchorn 3 min read

In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, where attention spans are fleeting and competition is fierce, urgency marketing has become a popular tool to nudge customers towards a purchase.

It leverages the power of scarcity and time sensitivity to create a sense of urgency, encouraging immediate action.

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See a 10-30% increase in E-commerce Conversions with Better Social Proof

See a 10-30% increase in E-commerce Conversions with Better Social Proof

by Ross Allchorn 3 min read

Social proof is a psychological and social phenomenon where people replicate the actions of others to undertake behavior in a given situation.

In e-commerce, social proof plays a crucial role in influencing consumer behavior and driving conversions.

This article delves into the significance of social proof, particularly focusing on product reviews, user-generated content, and strategically surfacing endorsements.

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Mastering Call-to-Actions – A Strategic Approach for E-commerce Merchants

Mastering Call-to-Actions – A Strategic Approach for E-commerce Merchants

by Ross Allchorn 2 min read

In the dynamic world of e-commerce, merchants often find themselves grappling with the challenge of grabbing their customers' attention amidst a sea of information.

"Emphasizing everything emphasizes nothing."
– Ross Allchorn (me, although I'm sure I heard it somewhere)

This nugget of wisdom serves as the cornerstone for merchants aiming to optimize their websites for conversions.

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Optimizing E-commerce Navigation for Conversion Success

Optimizing E-commerce Navigation for Conversion Success

by Ross Allchorn 3 min read

In the dynamic world of e-commerce, effective navigation is the compass that guides users through the digital marketplace.

As an e-commerce merchant, optimizing your website's navigation is crucial for driving traffic and, ultimately, boosting conversions. Let's explore high-level strategies that can be universally applied across popular platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento.

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Find up to 30% More E-commerce Conversions by Enhancing Your Search

Find up to 30% More E-commerce Conversions by Enhancing Your Search

by Ross Allchorn 3 min read

A well-optimized search feature can significantly improve the user experience and increase the likelihood of visitors making a purchase. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of search and provide you with actionable steps to enhance your search and drive conversions.

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Unlock 80% More Conversions on Shopify with Video Content

Unlock 80% More Conversions on Shopify with Video Content

by Ross Allchorn 3 min read

Video content is shared 1200% more than text and images combined.

Are you an e-commerce store owner looking to take your business to the next level? If so, you need to start incorporating video into your marketing strategy. Video has become an essential tool for online businesses, and the statistics speak for themselves.

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6 Tips for a More Successful Black Friday/Cyber Monday

6 Tips for a More Successful Black Friday/Cyber Monday

by Ross Allchorn 7 min read

Top Shopify Boosts you can implement quickly and easily in the coming weeks. Focusing on just one of these options could mean increased average order values, fewer abandoned carts, and overall happier customers.

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GA4 Migration – Time is almost up

GA4 Migration – Time is almost up

by Ross Allchorn 1 min read

Yep, Google have us on the ropes again

Thankfully, we've got you covered.

Announcing our brand new, neatly packaged GA4 migration service, GA4 Essentials.

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Survival of the fittest - Adaptability is key

Survival of the fittest - Adaptability is key

by Ross Allchorn 2 min read

In the ecommerce landscape, technological advancements are crucial to the success of a business. Companies that fail to keep up with these changes risk falling behind their competitors. The introduction of smartphones and tablets, for example, led to the emergence of mobile commerce. Ecommerce businesses that didn't optimize their websites for mobile devices lost out on a huge customer base.

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Photo by regularguy.eth on unsplash - money sucked up by vacuum

Is your Shopify store costing you sales?

by Gabi Falanga 6 min read

Wasting opportunity at any step along the way not only loses you sales, but actually costs you money. Fewer sales mean higher overheads. You are already paying to be on the Shopify platform, paying hosting fees, ads to drive traffic to the site etc. So why get less than you can out of that online footprint?

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Online store redesign depicted on a laptop

9 signs you need to redesign your store

by Gabi Falanga 6 min read

Redesigning your store can give it a new lease on life and increase your revenue. A redesign could entail anything from basic cosmetic changes to more serious structural changes, or even a complete overhaul of the site. But before you get wrapped up in a redesign, how do you determine if that is what your store actually needs? 

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Conversion optimization. Imporvements and enhancemets of online stores. Laptop opening Photo by Ales Nesetril on Unsplash

How to improve and enhance – AKA: ConversionBoost – your online store.

by Daniel Connor 4 min read

At the onset of your ecommerce journey you need to establish your site goals. A conversion is when a user completes a desired action on your site. So you can’t calculate your conversion rate until you have establish your site goals.

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Shopify store evolution - Ape-man: Photo by Gratisography

The evolution of a Shopify store, with ShopCreatify

by Daniel Connor 4 min read

Find out where your ecommerce store is on its evolutionary timeline and see how we can help you at each stage. From migration or inception to birth, growth, optimization, and maintenance phases, as Shopify Experts, we are here to ensure the propagation of the Shopify species.

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How to take your Shopify store from Zero ($0) to Hero ($500 000+)…

How to take your Shopify store from Zero ($0) to Hero ($500 000+)…

by Daniel Connor 3 min read

If you’re beginning your ecommerce journey, one of the biggest buzz phrases you’ll stumble across is… “CONVERSION OPTIMIZATION” (Insert dramatic echo here) “Conversion? Is this a cult?”

No no, a conversion is when a user completes any one of your website’s goals, from email sign-ups, to leaving a review, and that grand unicorn in the sky… making a purchase. Optimization is doing everything you can to ensure those conversions are made.

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