Shopify & Ecommerce Ramblings

A blog about building and extending awesome Shopify stores

Optimizing E-commerce Navigation for Conversion Success

Optimizing E-commerce Navigation for Conversion Success

by Ross Allchorn 3 min read

In the dynamic world of e-commerce, effective navigation is the compass that guides users through the digital marketplace.

As an e-commerce merchant, optimizing your website's navigation is crucial for driving traffic and, ultimately, boosting conversions. Let's explore high-level strategies that can be universally applied across popular platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento.

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WooCommerce vs. Shopify with Bill & Ted

WooCommerce vs. Shopify with Bill & Ted

by Ross Allchorn 3 min read

Make the Right Choice for Your E-commerce Business. For this comparison, we have two ambitious individuals, Bill and Ted. Both aspiring ecommerce entrepreneurs at a crossroads. They're both eager to embark on their online retail journeys but are unsure whether WooCommerce or Shopify is the best fit for their unique needs. In this article, we'll explore the pros and cons of each platform to help Bill and Ted make an informed decision.

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E-commerce design patterns are mature.

E-commerce design patterns are mature.

by Ross Allchorn 2 min read

A True Story – The Story of Bob. Once upon a time, there was an entrepreneur named Bob. Though that's not his real name, considering he is currently (at the time of writing) the third wealthiest person globally, you might have a guess.

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What makes e-commerce a better business type?

What makes e-commerce a better business type?

by Ross Allchorn 2 min read

When it comes to running a business, there are many factors to consider. One of the most important decisions might be choosing between an e-commerce store or a traditional brick and mortar store.

While both options have their advantages, e-commerce on its own has proven to be a superior business type for several reasons.

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Why migrate from WooCommerce to Shopify?

Why migrate from WooCommerce to Shopify?

by Ross Allchorn 3 min read

There are several reasons why people are migrating from WooCommerce to Shopify. One of the biggest reasons is ease of use and simplicity.

Shopify is known for its user-friendly interface and streamlined setup process, making it much easier for non-technical users to get started with their online store compared to WooCommerce, which can be more complex and require technical know-how.

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Photo by regularguy.eth on unsplash - money sucked up by vacuum

Is your Shopify store costing you sales?

by Gabi Falanga 6 min read

Wasting opportunity at any step along the way not only loses you sales, but actually costs you money. Fewer sales mean higher overheads. You are already paying to be on the Shopify platform, paying hosting fees, ads to drive traffic to the site etc. So why get less than you can out of that online footprint?

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Ecommerce in the metaverse… MetaCommerce?

Ecommerce in the metaverse… MetaCommerce?

by Daniel Connor 4 min read

The Facebook company is now called "Meta" and they are creating the metaverse. One thing’s for sure: Wherever consumers are… online, offline, or in the metaverse, there will be commerce. MetaCommerce WILL be a thing. It kind of already is.

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The pandemic’s effects on ecommerce - survey results + video teardown

The pandemic’s effects on ecommerce - survey results + video teardown

by Daniel Connor 4 min read

Teardown a store, dissect a pandemic… break an egg.
You can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. So that’s what this article is about. We’re going to dissect our ‘pandemic’s effects on ecommerce’ survey and do a video teardown of our winner’s online store.

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Our quick turnaround enhancements for BFCM

Our quick turnaround enhancements for BFCM

by Gabi Falanga 6 min read

We advise against tackling a project as big and complicated as a redesign so close to BFCM. However, there are several ‘smaller’ improvements we can make to your site  within a relatively short period of time to turn it into a big, mean, earning machine for BFCM. These tactics will lure new customers to your store for the big event, will make the most of existing customers, and will encourage shoppers to make the most of your fantastic deals.

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What is a good conversion rate for my online sales?

What is a good conversion rate for my online sales?

by Jess Henson 3 min read

Every online business wants to go big. There's lots of competition. The conversion rate is a powerful way to beat it and build your business. But what is a good conversion rate and how do you improve on it? Remember that a conversion rate keeps rising with strategic, consistent, and incremental changes. Learn more about conversion rates, how to work them out and how to improve them on your online store.

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“Should I use Shopify or Magento?”

“Should I use Shopify or Magento?”

by Daniel Connor 3 min read

Merchants looking to grow business online have a number of ecommerce platforms to choose from. Two of the most popular ecommerce platforms are Shopify and Magento. So, should you choose Shopify, or Magento?

Short Answer: There’s no best or worst platform. It’s about which ecommerce platform is best for YOUR business. And we’ve done the groundwork to help you decide…

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Troubleshooting a low conversion rate

Troubleshooting a low conversion rate

by Gabi Falanga 4 min read

Your store might have a lot of traffic, but that’s no use if it isn’t converting into sales. There are many reasons this might be happening. We take a look at how to diagnose conversion rate issues and what some of the most common problems are. There are various tools you can use to figure out why your store isn’t converting and once you’ve established what the problems are, you can make changes yourself or employ conversion rate optimization specialists to assist you.

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Creating key pages for your Shopify store

Creating key pages for your Shopify store

by Gabi Falanga 4 min read

There are a few pages that are essential to have when you create an online store, such as the home, about, contact, frequently asked questions (FAQ), and policy pages. These give your customers information about your business, how to get in touch with you, and why they should trust you. These pages might not change much (like product pages do) but it’s important to use them to portray a professional image.

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Foldabox redesign creates front and back-end magic

Foldabox redesign creates front and back-end magic

by Gabi Falanga 6 min read

Redesigning a site takes a lot of work. Hines and Quintin Schnehage, the redesign project leader from ShopCreatify, both stressed how important it is to do it for the right reasons. A main goal of this redesign was to make the site more intuitive for customers. It aimed to answer their questions before they even asked them. 

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Improve user experience on your Shopify store

Improve user experience on your Shopify store

by Gabi Falanga 7 min read

User experience, or UX, is an important term for anyone who has a websiteIt considers the user’s journey while on a site and how to make this as easy and intuitive as possible. Luckily, the Shopify platform already includes specific design conventions which make it appealing to users. It is easy enough for merchants to make certain design changes themselves to improve user experience.

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Dogfooding: Using what you sell

Dogfooding: Using what you sell

by Gabi Falanga 5 min read

There is always room for improvement on any site and ShopCreatify encourages anyone with a website to constantly review their sites. We recently relaunched our own site. Of course we’re on Shopify! We pushed ourselves to the limits of the platform’s content management capabilities and reaffirmed our faith in Shopify.

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Adapting ecommerce to cater for customer needs ahead of BFCM

Adapting ecommerce to cater for customer needs ahead of BFCM

by Ross Allchorn 6 min read

Handle with care

Customers are online more than ever, yet facing financial hardship at the same time.  Adapt your store to reflect these developments, and make it easier for your customers to complete a purchase.

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Taking risks and accepting failures: Grip6’s journey to success

Taking risks and accepting failures: Grip6’s journey to success

by Gabi Falanga 6 min read

BJ Minson, founder of Grip6 inspecting his product made in USA

Taking risks, accepting failure and doing things himself are all part of Grip6 founder BJ Minson’s recipe for success. The American belt manufacturer, and ShopCreatify client, sold 350,000 belts in 2019. BJ Minson talks belt flaps, Chinese manufacturing, and marketing mess-ups.

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