Shopify & Ecommerce Ramblings

A blog about building and extending awesome Shopify stores

Photo by regularguy.eth on unsplash - money sucked up by vacuum

Is your Shopify store costing you sales?

by Gabi Falanga 6 min read

Wasting opportunity at any step along the way not only loses you sales, but actually costs you money. Fewer sales mean higher overheads. You are already paying to be on the Shopify platform, paying hosting fees, ads to drive traffic to the site etc. So why get less than you can out of that online footprint?

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Shopify Ecommerce Store Teardown #1 - Kincaid's is Music

Shopify Ecommerce Store Teardown #1 - Kincaid's is Music

by Ross Allchorn 1 min read

Kincaid's is Music was the winner of our survey competition held in late 2021 and with so many musos on our team, their story really "resonated" (huh, see what I did there?) with us.

One of the prizes was a teardown video by me and also $300 credit with TaskHusky. The video is on the other side of the jump, and I hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it.

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