Shopify & Ecommerce Ramblings

A blog about building and extending awesome Shopify stores

The E-commerce Need for Speed

The E-commerce Need for Speed

by Ross Allchorn 2 min read

So, you've got your e-commerce website up and running, selling your products like hotcakes. But have you ever stopped to think about how the speed of your website could be affecting your sales? (Hint: it's a big deal!)

Let's dive into why speed optimization is crucial for your online store.

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Optimizing E-commerce Navigation for Conversion Success

Optimizing E-commerce Navigation for Conversion Success

by Ross Allchorn 3 min read

In the dynamic world of e-commerce, effective navigation is the compass that guides users through the digital marketplace.

As an e-commerce merchant, optimizing your website's navigation is crucial for driving traffic and, ultimately, boosting conversions. Let's explore high-level strategies that can be universally applied across popular platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento.

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E-commerce design patterns are mature.

E-commerce design patterns are mature.

by Ross Allchorn 2 min read

A True Story – The Story of Bob. Once upon a time, there was an entrepreneur named Bob. Though that's not his real name, considering he is currently (at the time of writing) the third wealthiest person globally, you might have a guess.

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Survival of the fittest - Adaptability is key

Survival of the fittest - Adaptability is key

by Ross Allchorn 2 min read

In the ecommerce landscape, technological advancements are crucial to the success of a business. Companies that fail to keep up with these changes risk falling behind their competitors. The introduction of smartphones and tablets, for example, led to the emergence of mobile commerce. Ecommerce businesses that didn't optimize their websites for mobile devices lost out on a huge customer base.

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Festive season readiness: How to get everything ‘wrapped’ up before Christmas

Festive season readiness: How to get everything ‘wrapped’ up before Christmas

by Gabi Falanga 4 min read

Jingle bells, analytics sells! Christmas is only a few weeks away and of course, you want your online store to attract and maintain customers during this period. Shopify and Google each offer analytics that will help you to understand how shoppers use your store and where it needs to be improved.

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Mobile matters for conversion optimization

Mobile matters for conversion optimization

by Gabi Falanga 3 min read

Your customers’ experience of your Shopify store while on a mobile device is crucial to conversion optimization. Why is mobile so important? Mobile commerce was predicted to beat traditional ecommerce and in-store shopping in 2021 and to have the biggest retail sales growth of 12.2%, according to Shopify. It is estimated that 187.5 million people will shop via their smartphone in 2024: that’s 64% of all mobile device owners.

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