Shopify & Ecommerce Ramblings

A blog about building and extending awesome Shopify stores

How Does Your E-commerce Store Stack Up? And How to Figure It Out.

How Does Your E-commerce Store Stack Up? And How to Figure It Out.

by Ross Allchorn 2 min read

Imagine your online store is a brick-and-mortar shop in the bustling marketplace of the internet. Shoppers flood the virtual streets, but are they stopping by your window, browsing your aisles, and ringing up purchases?

Sure, you get a few customers here and there, but is your store thriving, or is it getting lost in the crowd? Here's how to grab your metaphorical magnifying glass and analyze the inner workings of your e-commerce site.

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GA4 Migration – Time is almost up

GA4 Migration – Time is almost up

by Ross Allchorn 1 min read

Yep, Google have us on the ropes again

Thankfully, we've got you covered.

Announcing our brand new, neatly packaged GA4 migration service, GA4 Essentials.

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