Shopify & Ecommerce Ramblings

A blog about building and extending awesome Shopify stores

Increase Your Shopify Ecommerce Conversions

Increase Your Shopify Ecommerce Conversions

by Ross Allchorn 11 min read

Sharpening your Ecommerce Conversion RatesPhoto by Malte Wingen

A collection of information that we thought would be good to share with other Shopify partners, experts and merchants.

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Tips to using your time wisely during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Tips to using your time wisely during the COVID-19 Pandemic

by Ross Allchorn 6 min read

Working from home during COVID-19 Pandemic

Photo by Roberto Nickson

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses are left with an uncertain future. Many brick and mortar businesses have closed their doors indefinitely (some will reopen, others not so lucky), and retailers are looking to ecommerce to secure their brand a future.

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A Helping Hand by the Ecommerce Community

A Helping Hand by the Ecommerce Community

by Ross Allchorn 4 min read

Shopify Ecommerce Covid-19 Helping HandPhoto by Austin Kehmeier

Online resources to help guide your ecommerce business through this pandemic

There is some help to get you up and running quickly, to support your community, and to aid us all in getting through Covid-19 times.

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Boost your ecommerce sales by offering a financing payment option

Boost your ecommerce sales by offering a financing payment option

by Ross Allchorn 5 min read

Shopify Ecommerce Financing options with SezzlePhoto by Brooke Lark

Credit cards are no longer the payment option of choice.  Here's what our store needs to do to cater to your customers now.

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Primer on Ecommerce Automation

Primer on Ecommerce Automation

by Ross Allchorn 6 min read

Ecommerce Automation

Shopify store automation apps free up your time, prevent errors, and create a better customer experience.

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Get your Ecommerce Store Black Friday ready

Get your Ecommerce Store Black Friday ready

by Ross Allchorn 6 min read

BFCM 2019 Shopify

The question on the minds of everyone running an Ecommerce business at this time of year is ‘Am I ready for Black Friday?’. As Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Halloween, and the Festive Season are looming, you need to be absolutely sure you can cope with the influx of sales without compromising on the quality of your customer service. You also need to have all your marketing ducks in a row to capitalise on this phenomenal opportunity to boost your online sales.

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Use real data from heat mapping to tweak your website for better conversions

Use real data from heat mapping to tweak your website for better conversions

by Ross Allchorn 6 min read

Do you know what areas of your home page get clicks?  How about what pages nobody scrolls down?  Heat maps help you make the most of your store layout.

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Proudly embracing a remote mindset for improved efficiency and other benefits

Proudly embracing a remote mindset for improved efficiency and other benefits

by Ross Allchorn 6 min read

ShopCreatify Core Clients on a map

Is remote working all it’s purported to be? Well… in short… at least for me and my current team, yes.

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Consumer consciousness drives brands to be more socially responsible

Consumer consciousness drives brands to be more socially responsible

by Ross Allchorn 6 min read

Social Responsibility in Ecommerce

Locally or globally, paying it forward is appreciated by potential customers.  And it isn't hard or expensive to set up.

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Boost repeat business with your transactional emails

Boost repeat business with your transactional emails

by Ross Allchorn 7 min read

Transactional emails in Shopify ecommerce

Turn your transactional emails into a standalone sales channel and see repeat business spike. Leave no stone unturned when it comes to ways of increasing your conversions, especially if they can be processes that tick over nicely all on their own. 

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Pilgrimage to Shopify Unite - 2019

Pilgrimage to Shopify Unite - 2019

by Ross Allchorn 11 min read

Shopify Unite Conference 2019

I went to the center of it all.  The homeland, the mothership.  Here's what I found.

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Prioritizing improvements to your Shopify store

Prioritizing improvements to your Shopify store

by Ross Allchorn 6 min read

Observe Prioritize Execute Ecommerce Strategies

How do you develop a list of what needs to be done on your Shopify store?  Once you have the list, how do you get it all done?

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Your Shopify store is live, now what?

Your Shopify store is live, now what?

by Ross Allchorn 6 min read

Ecommerce conversion optimization

You built your Shopify store, but the sales aren't happening.  Here's what to work on.

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The Turbo Theme – A No Brainer?

The Turbo Theme – A No Brainer?

by Ross Allchorn 4 min read

Turbo Theme

Premium Plus (or Premium+) is how we refer to the Turbo theme by Out of the Sandbox.

Not because of Shopify's Plus plan for merchants —although that is who the theme was originally created for— but because if a paid-for theme in the Shopify theme store is referred to as a 'premium' theme, then...

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Are you leaving money on the table?

Are you leaving money on the table?

by Ross Allchorn 2 min read

You ticked all the boxes when you set up your ecommerce website, you spent time and resources on good marketing channels, and you’re getting loads of targeted traffic, but you’re not seeing the sales numbers you’d expect.

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Build a Foundation or a House of Cards

Build a Foundation or a House of Cards

by Ross Allchorn 12 min read

Shopify house of cards

Learn how to avoid the strong possibility of building a house of cards and instead lay a solid foundation for your Shopify store. 

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How Customizable is Shopify, Really? - Podcast

How Customizable is Shopify, Really? - Podcast

by Ross Allchorn 1 min read

A slightly belated notification, but here is our third appearance on The Unofficial Shopify Podcast where Kurt and Ross talk about how customizable Shopify really is. The misconceptions around the concept and some of the truths about how capable the platform truly is are discussed in this 41min chat.

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Reducing Customer Noise on Shopify

Reducing Customer Noise on Shopify

by Ross Allchorn 7 min read

Reduce the Ecommerce Noise

We fix pain points for Shopify ecommerce stores.  And one of the most common pain points is time spent answering emails or on phone calls about products and returns.  We feel ya', Customer Service teams.  Let's fix this.

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Wholesale on Shopify - Podcast

Wholesale on Shopify - Podcast

by Ross Allchorn 1 min read

How should you use Shopify for your wholesale customers?  Listen anytime, anywhere.

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Shopify Ecommerce Basics - Podcast

Shopify Ecommerce Basics - Podcast

by Ross Allchorn 1 min read

Kurt Elster ofEthercycle and Ross Allchorn talk about the basic things to have in place for your ecommerce store.

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Professional Product Photography with a Smartphone - The Box

Professional Product Photography with a Smartphone - The Box

by Ross Allchorn 3 min read

Product photography light box

Can you take professional (enough) photos of your products with a smartphone?

According to Shopify,you can but being a born skeptic, I needed more solid proof that it can be done, so we set out to test the theory and not only to see if it is possible, but if it is possible to do on a budget.

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