Shopify & Ecommerce Ramblings

A blog about building and extending awesome Shopify stores

What Theme Should You Use On Your Shopify Store?

What Theme Should You Use On Your Shopify Store?

by Ross Allchorn 3 min read

When it comes to setting up your online store on Shopify, one of the most crucial decisions you'll make is choosing the right theme.

With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to decide which theme will best suit your store's needs.

As experts in the Shopify e-commerce industry for almost a decade (possibly more depending when you're reading this), let's explore the factors you should consider when selecting a Shopify theme.

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What you need to know when choosing a theme-based store

What you need to know when choosing a theme-based store

by Gabi Falanga 5 min read

How do you know whether you should choose a theme-based or custom designed store? What is the best option for your business and your customers? What will look attractive, be easy-to-navigate, convert well, and be easy to manage? We take a deep dive into what your options are.

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Aurora colours of the ShopFoundation Demo Store

The ShopFoundation Demo Store…

by Daniel Connor 3 min read

a Shopify Store with no code, no mess, no fuss!
"It's the best demo store in the world," said us.
This blog post is about a Shopify Store with no code, no mess, and no fuss. We built it using the exact model, tricks of the trade, and best-of-breed tools of the trade, that we intend to use on all the online stores we’ll build through our ShopFoundation offering. It’s called ShopFoundation because the whole model is about using our experience to build you a future proof online store on a solid foundation.

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“Should I use Shopify or Magento?”

“Should I use Shopify or Magento?”

by Daniel Connor 3 min read

Merchants looking to grow business online have a number of ecommerce platforms to choose from. Two of the most popular ecommerce platforms are Shopify and Magento. So, should you choose Shopify, or Magento?

Short Answer: There’s no best or worst platform. It’s about which ecommerce platform is best for YOUR business. And we’ve done the groundwork to help you decide…

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Improve user experience on your Shopify store

Improve user experience on your Shopify store

by Gabi Falanga 7 min read

User experience, or UX, is an important term for anyone who has a websiteIt considers the user’s journey while on a site and how to make this as easy and intuitive as possible. Luckily, the Shopify platform already includes specific design conventions which make it appealing to users. It is easy enough for merchants to make certain design changes themselves to improve user experience.

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Why you might want to consider a custom designed Shopify theme

Why you might want to consider a custom designed Shopify theme

by Ross Allchorn 7 min read

Not all merchants need a custom theme. For some (maybe you) they really do warrant considering though. There are pros and cons to the different approaches that can be taken to theming. In this article I've tried to cover those factors so you can make the best decision for your business.

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A Helping Hand by the Ecommerce Community

A Helping Hand by the Ecommerce Community

by Ross Allchorn 4 min read

Shopify Ecommerce Covid-19 Helping HandPhoto by Austin Kehmeier

Online resources to help guide your ecommerce business through this pandemic

There is some help to get you up and running quickly, to support your community, and to aid us all in getting through Covid-19 times.

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The Turbo Theme – A No Brainer?

The Turbo Theme – A No Brainer?

by Ross Allchorn 4 min read

Turbo Theme

Premium Plus (or Premium+) is how we refer to the Turbo theme by Out of the Sandbox.

Not because of Shopify's Plus plan for merchants —although that is who the theme was originally created for— but because if a paid-for theme in the Shopify theme store is referred to as a 'premium' theme, then...

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Build a Foundation or a House of Cards

Build a Foundation or a House of Cards

by Ross Allchorn 12 min read

Shopify house of cards

Learn how to avoid the strong possibility of building a house of cards and instead lay a solid foundation for your Shopify store. 

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How Customizable is Shopify, Really? - Podcast

How Customizable is Shopify, Really? - Podcast

by Ross Allchorn 1 min read

A slightly belated notification, but here is our third appearance on The Unofficial Shopify Podcast where Kurt and Ross talk about how customizable Shopify really is. The misconceptions around the concept and some of the truths about how capable the platform truly is are discussed in this 41min chat.

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Reducing Customer Noise on Shopify

Reducing Customer Noise on Shopify

by Ross Allchorn 7 min read

Reduce the Ecommerce Noise

We fix pain points for Shopify ecommerce stores.  And one of the most common pain points is time spent answering emails or on phone calls about products and returns.  We feel ya', Customer Service teams.  Let's fix this.

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