Upselling: Increase E-commerce Sales Without Annoying Your Customers

Upselling: Increase E-commerce Sales Without Annoying Your Customers

2 min read

Ever been at the checkout counter, ready to pay, and the cashier asks if you want fries with that? That's a classic upsell – trying to convince you to buy something extra along with your original purchase.

E-commerce stores use this tactic too, but in a digital world. Let's dive into upsells, where they show up, and how to do them right without driving customers away.

What are Upsells?

Upselling is about gently suggesting a higher-quality or more feature-packed version of the product a customer is already looking at. Imagine you're browsing for headphones. The store might suggest a model with noise-canceling for a better listening experience.

Upsells can also involve offering additional items that complement the main purchase. Think phone cases alongside new phones, or printer ink with a new printer.

The Upsell Journey: From Marketing to Checkout

Upselling can happen throughout a customer's journey on your online store. Here are some key touchpoints:

Marketing & Landing Pages: Even before reaching your store, targeted ads or landing pages can highlight upgraded versions of products a customer might be interested in.

Homepage & Collections: On your store's main page or product category pages, you can showcase featured items or bundles that offer more value than individual products.

Product Detail Pages: This is prime upsell territory! Highlight the benefits of the upgraded version next to the original product. Offer comparison charts or explain how the extra features solve specific problems.

Shopping Cart: As customers add items to their cart, consider a popup suggesting accessories or add-on services that enhance their purchase.

Post-Purchase Upsells: Don't stop at checkout! Transactional emails like order confirmations or shipping notifications can include upsells for related products or future purchases.

The Upsell Sweet Spot: Value, Not Pressure

The key to successful upselling is striking the right balance. You want to offer additional value without making customers feel pressured or like you're just trying to squeeze more money out of them.

Here are some tips:

  1. Focus on benefits, not just features. Explain how the upsell will improve the customer's experience.
  2. Offer clear comparisons. Make it easy for customers to understand the differences between options.
  3. Keep it relevant. Don't suggest a juicer to someone buying a phone case!
  4. Use visuals effectively. High-quality images and videos can showcase the upsell's features.

By following these tips, you can turn upsells into a win-win situation. You increase your average order value, and customers get a product that better suits their needs.

Upselling After the Sale: Building Lasting Relationships

Upselling doesn't end at checkout. Consider these strategies:

  1. Recommend complementary products in post-purchase emails based on what they bought.
  2. Offer exclusive deals or discounts on future purchases of related items.
  3. Create a loyalty program that rewards repeat customers and encourages upsells.

By nurturing relationships after the sale, you can turn one-time buyers into loyal fans who come back for more (and maybe even get that upsell next time!).

Upselling can be a powerful tool for boosting your e-commerce business, but remember, it's all about creating a smooth and positive customer experience. By focusing on value and building trust, you can turn upsells into a win for everyone.

If you need assistance with upsells on your e-commerce store, reach out to us here or simply email us.

Photo by Mitchell Luo.

Ross Allchorn
Ross Allchorn

Hi, I'm Ross, an entrepreneur and a specialist in e-commerce. I founded ShopCreatify in 2015 and loving every second of working with our great ecommerce merchant clients.