ARgENTUM Apothecary

ARgENTUM Apothecary

A magical experience full of hidden treasures, a spinning wheel, flipping cards and more importantly, amazing products. There's a reason these guys have an award winning lineup and we love working with them.

Consulting Development UX Design

"Their approach, their knowledge, their eye for detail... it's all 5 Star!"

Sam Gray

In the beginning

When Sam & Joy first came to us they were operating with a truly custom storefront. Already visually appealing and definitely out of the ordinary but a very cumbersome setup for them, where each little change required a pretty seasoned JavaScript developer to be involved.

With an award winning product line and intentions of expanding it in the near future, it was only logical for the brand to take the site to the next level and find a balance between visual elegance and content manageability. 

Attention to detail

This was one of those projects where a developer that is less fussed about the smaller details may have thrown in the towel in the first round.

Creative director for the brand, Sam Gray and his exceptionally talented illustrator worked tirelessly with us on iteration after iteration of the design until they were happy that it met their needs.

With gamifaction and visual embellishments peppered throughout the site, we needed to power spinning wheels, flipping cards and all sorts of rich micro interactions.

Showing a different side to Shopify

If you're ever asked whether a Shopify store can be custom designed, or if you have to use the pre-made templates... show them this site.

Not even needing to be on Shopify Plus, this build exudes elegant playfulness and perfectly demonstrates what is capable with Shopify's templating language and rock solid SaaS platform.

Virtually every page of the site brings some form of new element, or animation or information, to the extent that placing a bunch of screenshots is just never going to do them justice.

The true experience of this site will only ever be felt through visiting it and looking around.

Sam Gray
Creative Director

"From the very first conversation to the start of something big, we couldn't be happier with our working relationship.

Their approach, their knowledge, their eye for detail... it's all 5 Star! We're looking forward to what's next."